Virgin hair extensions are currently one of the hair types that clients always choose due to their excellent advantages over many other hair types currently on the market. And to meet your request to learn about this hair type, the following article will give you some essential facts about this kind of hair and introduce the well-known virgin hair factory wholesale.

The greatest advantages of virgin hair factory wholesale
1. Basic information about the virgin hair factory wholesale
By definition, a virgin hair factory wholesale is a supplier that specializes in providing clients with hair extensions produced from virgin hair. If you have not learned about this hair type, it is a type of hair purchased or collected from mountain girls or rural areas in many countries around the world, sharing the same unstyled character. Therefore, they are well suited to go through the factory production process and style themselves into the types that customers usually love.
Currently, virgin hair extensions are relatively rare because there are not many girls who have never styled their hair, such as by curling or dyeing it. Due to this reason, there are only a few wholesale virgin hair dealers and a limited amount of virgin hair on the market. Furthermore, because virgin hair is of higher quality than other remy or non-remy hair, its pricing reflects this difference and is typically higher than the rest.
Even though they come from the same source as virgin hair, prices for various types and styles of hair will vary because each requires a distinct manufacturing procedure from various companies.
Each virgin hair factory wholesale typically sells virgin hair of various origins, with the most important coming from the three major markets of Vietnam, China, and India. Each country will have its own characteristics for hair quality, leading to different prices.
For instance, virgin hair from mountain women in Vietnam is stronger since it is treated with natural products most of the time. Because hair in China and India is manufactured in enormous quantities in factories and is of average quality, it is less expensive there. And the quality of hair in India is often the worst because their virgin hair is a bit dry and rough because the weather is often hot here, not as cool as the weather in Vietnam or China.

Basic information about the virgin hair factory wholesale
2. How to take care of hair extensions from the virgin hair factory wholesale in properly way
Virgin hair factory wholesale will usually advise you to take some care of your extensions after purchase so that they maintain their ideal structure. The following methods are things that are often recommended by staff and regular customers to protect their hair in the best way.
First and foremost, consistent usage of specialized hair care products is required. Hair extensions in general, even virgin hair purchased from virgin hair factory wholesale cannot be cared for with the same products as your natural hair because they are weaker and more prone to breakage and damage if using this product. They need to be treated with specialized shampoos to keep your hair moisturized and silky, just like when you first got it.
Secondly, avoid heating up virgin hair that has been bought. Heat effects are not recommended, even using a hair dryer to dry hair extensions. Instead, you can leave your hair in a cool location for a few hours after shampooing, it will dry on its own. Virgin hair factory wholesale also sells many pre-styled hair extensions, so if you want to change your style, you can also consider buying new items because styling hair extensions will change the existing ideal structure of hair.
Finally, avoid over-washing your hair. The reason for this advice is because virgin hair extensions are thoroughly cleaned at the manufacturer, they do not require as frequent washing as your own hair does. Over-washing your hair is not only bad but also more harmful, because they make your hair too much moisture and easy to dust, and the joints of virgin hair extensions become loose.

How to take care of hair extensions from the virgin hair factory wholesale in properly way
3. Which virgin hair factory wholesale is ideal for you
Currently, there are three big countries famous for hair extensions: India, China, and Vietnam. Every country has a lot of virgin hair factories. So to avoid any confusion, here are a few recommendations for virgin hair factory wholesale. Therefore, based on the virgin hair source that you truly like, you may pick the greatest one.
You can buy from the Vietnamese Hair Factory, hair and skin factory clinic, or Vietnamese Hair Suppliers. Such a virgin hair factory wholesale is located in a number of different countries, and has the same characteristics that they are all very reliable and the top supplier in their respective countries.
You might try looking up the products on their website or sending them a message through the website if you want to buy products, they have everything on the website. What they sell, information about them, and the estimated delivery time are all available. You just need to visit their website to get all the information you could possibly want to know about them.
And if you need more information, you can also feel free to message their staff, because their staff is always available on the website during daily business hours. They are more than happy if you want to learn about their products or order from them, and they are very professional in answering messages or responding to inquiries.

Which virgin hair factory wholesale is ideal for you
This post aims to give you fundamental knowledge regarding the virgin hair factory wholesale, along with basic methods for continuous hair care. I hope the information above is useful to you and that you are able to make the best decision among the many items available from various factories at the moment.